Popul Vuh
And of course there is the sky, and there is also the Heart of Sky. This is the name of the god, as it is spoken.
talked, then they thought, then they worried. They agreed with each other, they joined their words, their thoughts. Then it
was clear, then they reached accord in the light, and then humanity was clear, when they conceived the growth, the generation
of trees of bushes and the growth of life, of humankind, in the blackness, in the early dawn, all because of the Heart of
Sky, named Hurricane. Thunderbolt Hurricane comes first, the second is Newborn Thunderbolt, and the third is Raw Thunderbolt.
So there were three of them, as Heart of Sky, who came to the Sovereign Plumed Serpent, when the dawn of life was conceived:
"How should it be sown, how should it dawn? Who is to be the provider, nurturer?"
And the Plumed
Serpent was pleased with this: "It was good that you came, Heart of Sky, Hurricane, and Newborn Thunderbolt, Raw Thunderbolt.
Our work, our design will turn out well, " they said. And the earth was formed first, the mountain-plain. The channels of
water were separated; their branches wound their ways among the mountains. The waters were divided when the great mountains
appeared. Such was the formation of the earth when it was brought forth by the Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth, as they are called,
since they were the first to think of it.
A Bearer, Begetter speaks: "Why this pointless humming? Why
should there merely be rustling beneath the trees and bushes?" "Indeed- they had better have guardians," the other replied.
now our names, praise us. We are your mother, we are your father. Speak now: "Huricane, Newborn Thunderbolt,Raw Thunderbolt,
Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth, Maker, Modeler, Bearer, Begetter," speak, pray to us, keep our days," they were told.
there comes an experiment with the human work, the human design, by the Maker, Modeler, Bearer, Begetter: "It must simply
be tried again. The time for the planting and dawning is nearing. For this we must make a provider and nurturer. How else
can we be involved and remembered on the face of the earth? We have already make our first try at our work and design, but
it turned out that they didn't keep our days, nor did they glorify us. "So now let's try to make a giver of praise, giver
of respect, provider, nurturer," they said. So then comes the building and working with earth and mud.
was quickly dissolved in the water. "It won't last" the mason and sculptor said then. "It seems to be dwindling away, so let
it just dwindle. It can't walk and it can't multiply, so let it be merely a thought." they said.
Then they
invoked Xpiyacoc, Xmucane.
The Grandmother of Day, Grandmother of Light as the Maker, Modeler called them.
Our recompense is in words:
Midwife, matchmaker, our grandmother, our grandfather, Xpiyacoc,Xmucane, let there be
planting, let there be the dawning of our invocation, our sustenance, our recognition by the human work, the human design,
the human figure, the human mass.
It is well that there be your manikins, woodcarvings, talking speaking,
there on the face of the earth. "So be it," they reply. The moment they spoke it was done; the manikins, woodcarvings, human
in looks and human in speech. This was the peopling of the earth: They came into being, they multiplied, they had daughters,
they had sons, these manikins, woodcarvings. But there was nothing in their hearts and nothing in their minds, no memory of
their mason and builder. They just went and walked wherever they wanted. Now they did not remember the Heart of Sky.
there comes a humiliation, destruction, and demolition. The manikins, woodcarvings were killed when the Heart of Sky devised
a flood for them. A great food was made, it came down on the heads of the manikins, woodcarvings.
came a rain of resin from the sky.
... The were pounded down to the bones and tendons, smashed and pulverized even
to the bones. Their faces were smashed because they were incompetent before their mother and their father., the Heart of Sky,
named Hurricane. The earth was blackened because of this: the black rainstorm began, rain all day, and rain all night.
this is why monkeys look like people, they are a sign of a previous human design, mere manikins mere woodcarvings.
is the beginning of the defeat and destruction of the day of Seven Macaw by the two boys, the first named Hunahpu and the
second named Xbalanque. Being gods, the two of them saw evil in his attempt at self-magnification before the Heart of Sky.
as they wished the death of Seven Macaw, so they brought it about. They saw evil in his self-magnification. After this the
two boys went on again. What they did was simply obeying the word of the Heart of Sky.