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ADDENDUM II: The Florentine Codex |
Rabinal Achi: Act Four--Inside the Fortress |
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Los Voladores and the Return of the Ancestors |
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In Spirit of Agustin Lorenzo |
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Teotecpillatolli |
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Second Chapter, Which Telleth of the Moon |
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In Ixiptla In Teteo! |
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Sun Tzu: Arte de Guerra |
Sun Tzu: On Spies |
We Believe and Profess |
Mushashi: Cinco Anillos |
Sixth Chapter, which telleth of the men, the valiant men |
Seeds of Revolt in the Americas: Synopsis |
'Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders' & 'License To Kill' |
Jose Ortega Y Gasset: On Plato's 'Republic' and On Forms of Government |
Thomas Paine (17371809). Common Sense. 1776 [Excerpts] |
Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality |
Introduction to Deloria's "We Talk, You Listen" |
My Tayta Jose Maria and the Indian aspect of the Peruvian Revolution |
Philip Deere, Longest Walk speech |
Bacbi'awak: 'Made To Die' |
Born Gods! |
Prologue: "The Stars We Know: Crow Indian Astronomy and Life-ways" |
Black Elk Speaks: Visions of the Other World |
Miantinomo, Acuera, and Tecumseh, Hatuey Speaks |
Chief Seattle Speaks |
Chief Red Cloud Speaks |
Hopi: A Message for All People |
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"LET'S MAKE A SLAVE" by Willie Lynch |
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Tlelt Fire Telt Stone Achtli Seed (elder brother) Teotl God,
Sacred, Divine Power... etc. Tatli Medicine Quauhtli Eagle Itta To see Tecutli Lord Nahualli Speaks with command TeoShaShani
Enchanter Teyollokuani Heart Eater Tetlachihuani He does things to people Cipactli Dragon.. Cocrodile Tlanahua
To interpose something Tlacatecolotl Wereowl Yaotl adversary Tiytlacuan We are his slaves Tlalticpacque Lord of
the earth Matlapouhqui he who divines with the hands Tlaolshiniani he who lets maize kernels fall Ytlapiani its custodian Tlatotoyahua
to pour something Painal Runner Tlachixqui Seer
Huactzin / Huacton Laughing
Falcon Tetzahuitl Omen Xiuhqui quimiltzin turquoise packer (like a bundle of herbs) Tzintlatlauhqui red buttom Centeotl
ycnopiltzintli single god, son without a father Nanahuatzin Poxy one Huinaxcatl hungry sparrow hawk
Nine beyonds Temicxoch Dream Flower Quauhlli Eagles Ocelome Jaguars Chicnauhmictla Nine lands of the dead Xollotl Noquequeloatzin
The mocker Nauhcampa Four directions Yohuallahuatzin Night drinker Ocelopetlatzine Jaguar mat
Chichimecatl Red Chichimec Tlatlauhqui Tezcatl Red Mirror Nahual Tecutli Lord who speaks with command Ylhuicac heaven Ceteotlaloe
Master of the desert Toeypiltzin children of god Centzontlamacasque 400 priests Nahualtepexitl enchanted cliff Xiuhpapatlantzin
turquoise flyer Tecihuitl hail or Hurrying of stones
Teteo Ynnan mother of gods Teteo ynta father of gods
acatl Milintica 4 reed swirling Xoxohuic cihuatl blue green woman Xoxohuix ehecatl blue green wind nahui acatl tleaxtica
4 reed blazing Centeotl Single god or One god Ylhuicac Pipiltin sons of heaven Ticitl tlamatini very wise doctor
chicomocelot priest 7 jaguar tlalocxochitl tlaloc flower teteotlamacazque divine priest tollantzinca little tollan Toltectzinca
little toltec nicelyaotl i alone am the adversary yztac papalotl white butterfly cozahuic papalotl yellow butterfly Tlaltecuintli
Earth thumper Teotlalhua (xochi) lord of the desert flower Mizcoacihuatl puma-serpent-woman Mixcoacihuatl Cloud-serpent-
Teteo Niypiltzin i am the child of the gods teteo niytlachihual i am the creation of the gods
turquoise child Xiuhtli Cozauhqui Milintica Yellow fire swirling Cihuatequihua Female taskmaker Tlaltecutli Ruler
of the Earth Teotlalpan the desert Ixochicozqui his flowery necklace Nochiauhtetepe my rich mountain nomaquiztetepe
my jewelled mountain xiuhpiltzintli little turquoise child Teotlalhua(xochi) Lord of the Deser (flower)
lady precious quetzal piltzintecutli lord prince Coyotzatzic howls like a coyote nahualtezcauh enchanted mirror nuhualocelotl
enchanted jaguar
tlallocatecutli lord of tlalocan XOxohuic tlallocan blue green tlallocan iztac tlallocan white
tlallocan cozahuic tlallocan yellow tlallocan Nahualixeque those of enchanted eyes
xiuhpapatlantzin turquoise
flyer tecihuatlaqueme she of the female garment chicnauhtlatetzotzonalli nine pounded chicnauhtlattecpanilli nine
crackled citlalcueye iceneuh infant of the stat-skirted one (milky way) citlalcueye itlacachihual human creation of
the star skirted one xochiteteo flower of the gods
-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
house of war tlaxotecayotl His glory be established To Citli Quemitl In the garb of our ancestors Xiuhcaotl lightning
serpent yaquetlaya first in rank Tetzahuiztli he is terror Imocxi he alone destroys teo tepanquizqui representative
of my god tlaxotecatl divene hurler teotla milacatzoaya the god turning himself in the combat
she of the female garment of the flowery heat
chicuetecpacihuatzin lady 8 flint
tlazopilli chicome coatl
precious prince 7 serpent
tlamacasqui tlaxopilli chicome quauhtzin possessed prince of 7 eagles
disguised name
nauhcampa xitlatzitzqui sustains the 4 directions
Tecuani... Tecuan... Jaguar
centeotl precious prince single god
Apantihuitz she comes bedecked cuitlalpitihuitz she comes girded tzonilpitihuitz
she comes braided cecoatlica with one serpent ca mach nelli teotl for indedd she is truly a goddess ca mach nelli
mahuiztic for indeed she is truly marvelous cihuayotl femeninity or womb cihuayaotl enemy of women
yaotl young enemy ayauhtli ytzon hair of mist poctli itzon hair of smoke cuaxochitl boundary tlahuitl red ochre
or light tochalchiuh our jade tocozqui our jewel toquetzal our quetzalli
tlamatini wise nixollotl i am
xollotl tlahuizcalpantecutli lord of the house of the dawn nahualteteo god of the nahual cipactonal sign of the dragon nicipactli
i am the dragon teopipiltzin son of god teoypiltzin y yolcaton the little animal of the child of the gods
wise man tepalehuiani she who helps people atlantachizque those who look into water acitlalcueye dewdrop skirted
one altihueican in the greatness of the water atl ipatlahuaca in the expanse of the waters tlauhtzin light tlauhcalco
house of light ayahualco in some circle of water tlallocantecutli lord of tlalocan
chicnauhtopa nine beyonds cozcatl
jewel tlatlauhqui pantecatl red one of the land of medicine ayauhxihuitl mist herb moquequeloatzin he who does not
bear teasing tlacauhque master of slaves... captain tlacanahualli man of great learning acxoyatl penitent
yellow priest atlinan blue green woman yauhtli marigold flower quauhchimalli eagle shield huiztli thorn
page tlatlauhqui tlamacasqui red priest coztic tlamacazqui yellow priest tlamacasqui itzpapallotzin priest obsidian
butterfly coxauhqui cihuatl yellow woman tlaxotli precious one xoxohuix papalotl blue green butterfly coxahuic
papalotl yellow butterfly iztac papallotl white butterfly omitl bone tlaloxihuatl tlaloc woman topan beyond xoxohuic
blue green cozahuic yellow tlatlahuic red iztac white
iztac quauh tzotzopitzin the white eagle perforator totetzon
our foundation chicnauhpapatlantzin nine flyer xiuhtli milintica fire swirling
tlamacazqui ce ocelotl priest
one jaguar chalchiuhomitl jade bone tlatlauhqui cihuatl red woman xochhua owner of flowers atlinan water is its
mother tzoncoxahuiztica yellow haired one
coxauhqui tlapapalacatl yellow striped reed tlauhqui tlapapalacatl
red striped reed tlamacazqui yappan dark divine banner huizcol curved thorn tonecoyan in the place of our will nimatl
i am the hand
atlacacemelli s stirrer of strife teixcuepani deceiver quiyocoyani in yaoyotl arranger of battles yaotlatoani
lord of battles teoatl tlachinolli blood and fire xiuhxoanahualli holding his serpent torch matacaxe bracelet upon
his arms yaotla where war is quachiquemitl clothing of the eagle ytzicotla telipochtla youths from the south itzinahuac
telipochtla youth from the south also
yahuia oyatonac he shines forth machiyotla tetemoya he descends as an example tlacochcalli
house of arrows tlacochtli arrow ayauhcalli house of mist amapanitla anauhcampa thy banner is unfolded in all directions teotihualcoya
i am beheld as a god nahualpilli noble child ocelocoatl jaguar serpent
xochitlyen place of flowers xozahuic
xochitla yellow flowers blossom izta xochitla white flowers blossom toshi our mother mixihuiloc yaotlatoa she gives
birth to the adviser of battle YAOTLATOA adviser of battles YAOTLATOANI ixcoxauhqui the yellow faced (fire)
lord of flowers MAcuilxochitl five flowers cipactonal piltzintecutli xoquiquetzalli ichpochtli itzpapalotl
virgin obsidian butterfly atlayauhcan dancing place by the water tlaixtotoca carefully selected Tlacochcalico house
of arrows
itzihueponi splendor of spears yancuipilli new comer cozcapilla little jewel quauhuitl crest of
eagles nopiltzinaya mixcoatla our lord mixcoatl
yaocinahuatzin goddess of war yaotlatocaya she appears when war
is waged Quauhihuitl xayahualli yocoyametl Eagle Crest Adorned in the Ancient Manner
Cihuacoatl mother of twins
place of the ancestors Xochitl noyollo the flower of my heart ceyxochitl only flower quetzallahuehuetl lovely water
cypress quetzalxiuixcoatl beauteous green serpent
YAOTLATOA words of war
achalchiuhtla cerelean water yohuallahuani
nocturnal tippler xilonen tender ears of maize
atlahua master of waters atlatl arrow chimalticpac among the
shields tetzauhteotla a dreadful god tezcatzintli noble mirror
tlamacazqui ce atl itonal priest whose sign is
one water tlamacazqui ce miquiztli priest whose sign is one death
(please note, errors in translation and spelling
might have been committed.... if any ones are found, do let me know. thanks.)