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Nahua Invocation:
nocomichic you who are within my vessel
nocenteuh my solitary one
nimitzchixtiez i
shall be watching for you
nitlachixtica i am watching
nihuehue i, the old one
nicipac i, the
ca otiquincaquilique indeed we have heard from
cauhel tetlapololti for indeed it causes turmoil
tetequipacho indeed it causes anguish
yxquich yteoyotzin the total divinity
ca ymahuizcotzin there
is the wonder
ymanel yca yohuac though night had fallen
nomatca nehuatl i myself
nimatl i am
the hand
ca nehuatl niyoatl for i am indeed the adversary
nimoquequeloatzin i am the mocker
axca yez now it will be
notlacaxillohua my human counterparts
tia xihualhuian yaoyoque please come
forth warriors
in ihuan tlahuitequi who thrash together
ca onicualhuicac for i have brought forth
nitlamacazqui for i am the priest
in ixquichca nemi who everywhere dwell
in yolli live
nauhca niquintzatzilia from the four directions i summon them
ninoyoalitoatzin i am the one called night
nehuatl inic chicnauhtopa for i am from the nine beyonds
iniquac at this time
in quahuili in occelome the
eagles and jaguars
in chicnauhmictlan to the nine lands of the dead
tlalli innepantla to the center of
the earth
inic ye niquincuepaz for i shall soon transform them
y nehuatl y niyohuallahuantzin i who am
the night drinker
auh ye huitz yn tlahueliloc but now comes the hated one
yollopoliuhqui the madman
nauhcampa ticamachalotoc you who open your mouth to the four directions
mictlanmati who knows the land of the
topanmati who knows the beyond
chama yequene onihualla rejoice that i have finally come
ninahualteuctli i
the lord of enchantments
nichualhuica tlamacazqui i bring forth the the priest
moopochcopa at your left
coacihuiztli the dark pain
yn teochamecantlahual by the creations of the divine dwellers
tla xihualmohuica please
bring yourself forth
yz ceteotlaloe here is the master of all deserts
yz cecomolihuie here is the master
of all pitted places
ypan nonyaz that i shall go
ypan ninemiz that i shall wander
y nacayollo the
hearts of flesh
nican elpachi here has been sated
anquipopolozque you will utterly destroy him
nican nicyolitiz for here i shall give life
oncan tipoctiz there you will give off smoke
oncan yoliz there
will come to life
oncan tlacatiz there will be born
nicenteotl i am the single god
onihualla niquintemoz i
have come to seek
y mitic tlaliloc what was hidden in you
ye nimitzonhuicaz soon i shall carry you from
tiquintetemozque we shall seek
teteotlamacazque the divine priests
onatlico he has come
to drink
ontlaquaco he has come to eat
yehuatl yca motlacotlatoque they are loved
yehuatl yca mohueynectoque they
are held in high respect
ye tihuicoz you will soon be carried
mitznmitia you are nourished
ye nican
nicyolitiz here i shall fashion
teteo niypiltzin i am the child of the gods
teteo niytlachihual i am
the creation of the gods
yn teotlalhua the lord of the desert
tlemuchitl yca tlatlapitztica blowing upon
all fires
ynqua onoque on whose head lie
cuix ne nahahuiaz shall i rejoice?
ye nictemoz now
i shall seek it
ye nicanaz now i shall take it
ye nicnotzaz soon i shall summon
y anmiquit that
which you have woven
yn antlacoteteo you who are the precious goddesses
tla nican xoconpixti please go
and guard here
yn comalli the rage
yn tlahuelli the fury
anquicuilizque here you will sieze
yn nauhcanpa anonoque you who lie in the four directions
anmixpan into your presence
anmotlamatian into
your perception
yn onihualla i have come
yn onechcoc i have arrived
ma tlaocoya yn amoyollo may
your hearts not be sad
niquinotzaco i have come to call them
nican macoz here it will be given
cemilhuitl here by day
yz ceyonual here by night
nican tipaquiz here you will be happy
tahuahuiaz here you will rejoice
tla xihuiqui please come
ma timomauhti may you not be frightened
niytlacachihual i, the human creation of the gods
nictemoco canin i have come to seek him wherever he is
can man i come to seek him where he exists
ihuan nictemoco and i have come to seek
coyotzatziz he is
to howl like a coyote
niititlan i am his messenger
niicahuan i am his companion
nican nichualhuicac here
i have brought forth
nonahualtezcauh my enchanted mirror
ninahualocelotl i am the enchanted jaguar
niquimittaz i have come to see
yayauhque tlamacazque the dark priests
nican nichualhuica here i bring
in iztac copalli the white copal
quipiazque in tlamacazque it will be guarded by the priests
nahualitzltlameque those
of obsidian teeth
tla xiquinpopoloti please go and utterly destroy them
oniquinhualhuicac i have brought
tezcaixeque they of the mirror-eyes
ompa ammaaxitizque there you will draw near
tipa tiquittaz you
will be the first to see
ca nican nammechnotza for here i call you
ca nican nammechtemoa for here
i seek you
onanmechtequili i have come to lay for you
ixquich nicnotza i am calling all of them
nonehuian according to my will
nican noopochcopa tonyetiaz here on my left you will go along
ca nican
qualca for here is a good place
yeccan a fine place
nican timehuititiez here you will be refreshed
xihualmohuica please bring yourself forth
amo quexquich cahuitl it will not be long
tla xuhualhuia tlalteuctli please
come forth ruler of the earth in
nictlapaloz i shall greet
motech nihiyocuiz with you i shall draw breath
niceceyaz with you i shall be refreshed
ma huel xicmapiqui xicmatzollo grasp it well, clench it
yc motetzahuizque they
will be put in awe
ticcehuiz you will calm
yollocuepcatzin the changer of hearts
tezcatapec on
the mountain of mirrors
nenamicoya in the place of encounters
niyaotl i am the youth
nonitlathuic i
have dawned
mixpantzinco oyecauhqui before your eyes he was completed
titzotzotlacatoc you who are resplendent
nitlamatini i
am the sage
tlahuizcalpantecutli lord of the house of dawn
nihocomoniz i shall flare up
nimictlanmati i
know the land of the dead
nitopanmati i know the beyond
ye itic nontlachias in notexcauh soon i shall
see in my mirror
in nica nenemi they walk here
no nehua and i also
ticqualtiliz you will make
ticyectiliz you will make right
nonahualtzontecon my enchanted head
ye nican nontlalpitza for
here i cast my breath
niccehuiz nonacayotzin i shall calm down my body
yequene tiyohuallahuaniz at last
you will be the night drinker in
anquitetemoa that which you seek
ca axcan nicyectecaco for now i have
come to make better
niani i go
tla nican xontlapixto please go stand watch here
mopan nehcoz in
moztla for i shall be with you tomorow
nihualla i have come
ye huitz now comes
qualcan to
a good place
mitzpoloc he will destroy you
mochi mochicahualis of all your strength
ye tichuica now
you are bringing
tla xicpopoliti please destroy
ihio breath
ytlacol utterance
mopan popoliuhqui through
you he is destroyed
aman yequene now at last
mitzteqipanoz he will work for you
motlachihualtzin your
netlacamachoya in the place of prosperity
ticolotl scorpion
xihualhuia come forth
tonecoyan in
the place of our will
ahmo ye moyolloquimati do you not know now in your heart?
tla nimitznapalo let me
take you in my arms
nican motlachihualtzin ye huitz qualcan nican yollopoliuhqui mitzteqipanoz
from: Aztec
Sorcerers in Seventeenth Century Mexico The Treatise on Superstitions by Hernando Ruiz de Alarcon 1629
Nacxitl Topiltzin:
Singer: In Tollan stood the house of beams, Where still the serpent columns stand
deserted. Gone away is Nacxitl Topiltzin.
Chorus: Departing, he is wept for by our Lords. He goes away; goes
to where he rests, in Tlapallan.
Singer: Now he leaves them in Cholollan, Traveling through the land of Poyautecatl,
going To Acallan.
Chorus: Departing, he is wept for by our Lords. He goes away; goes to where he rests, in Tlapallan.
I am bound for Nonohualco, I the one in Quechol plumes, I the lord who Pierces.
Lord Matlacxochitl: I am grieving,
my lord Attired in plumes has gone away, he abandons Me, I Matlacxochitl.
Topiltzin: As the mountain falls, I
weep. Alas, the ocean sands rise up.
Matlacxochitl: I am grieving, my lord attired In plumes has gone away, he
abandons me, I Matlacxochitl.
Singer: In Tlapallan you are awaited. You Are bidden there to sleep.
You are moving onward now, my Lord attired in plumes. You are bidden now to Xicalanco, to Zacanco.
Singer: Ah,
but no! Your palace, your Temple—these you leave behind you here in Tollan Nonohualco.
Chorus: We weep
for the Lord, the Noble one.
Singer: Your palace, your temple—these you Leave behind you here in Tollan Nonohualco. The
painted stones, the beams, you left them here Behind you, in Tollan where you came to rule.
Chorus: Nacxitl Topiltzin! Never
can your name be lost, For your people will be weeping.
Singer: The turquoise house, the serpent House, you built
them here in Tollan where you Came to rule.
Chorus: Nacxitl Topiltzin! Never can your name be lost, For your
people will be weeping.
This is a Nahua Prayer focusing on the Enemy.
Nomatca Nehuatl I myself Ni-Quetzalcoatl
I am the Precious Twin Nimatl I am the hand Ca Nehuatl Ni-yaolt For I am indeed the Adversary Ni moquequeloatzin
I am the Mocker Atle ipan nitlamati I feel nothing Ye axca yez Now it will be: Ni quinmaahuiltiz I shall have sport Nohueltihuan
With my elder sisters, Notlacaxellohua My human counterparts. Inic niquinmaahuiltiz So that I may have sport with them Tla
xihualhuian olloque Please come forth, ballplayers Yaoyoque Warriors In ihuan tlahuitequi Who thrash together, In
ihuan tlatzotzona Who beat together; Ca nica huitze For here come, Nohueltihuan My elder sisters, Notlacaxellohua
my human counterparts, Tiquinmaahuiltizque we shall have sport with them, Yehuanti ezcotihuitze They will come bloodied, Tlapallotihuitze
The will come reddened, Auh in nehuatl But I, Amo nezco I am not bloodied, Amo nitlapallo I am not reddened, Ca
onicualhuicac For I have brought forth, In tlamacazqui ce atl intonal the priest whose sign is 1 water, In tlamacazqui
ce miquiztli the priest whose sign is 1 Death, Ce tecpatl 1 flint, Achtotipa ezcoaz he will be the first to be bloodied
, Achtotipa tlapalloaz he will be the first to be reddened, Tetl ihuintiz stone will be intoxicated , Quahuitl ihuntiz
wood will be intoxicated, Talli ihuntiz earth will be intoxicated, Tonehua along with us. Onichualhuicac I have brought
forth Nomiccama My dead hand, Nomiccanacayo My dead body Inic amo nicmatiz so that I shall feel nothing Inic nechahuiltizq
When they have sport with me- In nohueltihua My elder sister in notlacaxellohua My human counterparts. Amo nehuatl
in nechhuitequizque It is not I whom they will thrash In nitlamacazqui For I am the Priest Niquetzalcoatl I am the Precious
Twin Atle ipan nitlamati I feel nothing. Nehuatl nitlamacazqui I, I am the Priest, Niyaotl I am the Adversary Nimoquequeloatzin
I am the Mocker. Ca ye no iz huitze For indeed here come Nohueltihua My elder sisters, Notlacaxellohua My human counterparts, Ye
quihualhuica Bringing forth In mohueltiuh in xochiquetzal Your elder sister Flower Plume Quihualhuica in ihiyo yez Bringing
forth what is to be her toil, In iicha tlahuitec Her spoon wool, In iicpateuh her cotton ball, Inic nechaahuiltizque
to make sport of me. Tla xihuallauh tlaltetecuin Please come forth, Earth-thumper, Tla xihuallauh tonacametzin Please
come forth, Maguey of our Sustenance, Tla xihuallauh olloque Please come forth, ballplayers, Yaoyoque Warriors In
ihua tlahuitequi who thrash together, In ihua tlatzotzona who pound together. Tla xihualhuia tlamacazque Please come
forth, Priests, Tonatiuh iquicayan From the sunrise, Tonatiuh icalaquian From the sunset, In ixquichca nemi who everywhere
dwell, In yolli live, In patlantinemi And fly about. Inic nauhca niquintzatzilia From the 4 directions I summon them, Ye
axca yez In order that it be so.
Tla xihuallauh ce tochtli Please come forth, 1 rabbit with head Aquetzimani upraised
ximixtlapachtlaca Please stretch out; Tla xihuallauh ce atl itonal Please come forth, one whose sign is 1 water,
You will be bloodied, Titlapalloaz you will be reddened Tl imitzcalco Against their side, Amo can canin Not just
anywhere Tiaz huel itzcalco will you go indeed against the side. Tla xihuallauh ce tecpatl Please come forth, 1 Flint, Tezcoaz
you will be bloodied Titlapalloaz You will be reddened. Tla xihuallauh tlaltecuin Please come forth, Earth thumper.
In Ixiptla In Teteo!
In axcan ca otiteo. Mazo titotlacapo, mazo titanium, mazo titopiltzin,
manozo titiccauh, titlachcauh, ca aocmo titotlacapo, ca amo timitztlacaitta.
The Tlatoani becomes a living god:
Now you have become divine. Even though you may be a man like us, even though you
are our friend, even though you are a son, even though you are our younger brother, our older brother, you are no longer a
human being like us, we no longer see you as merely human.
Teoxihuitl. Inin itoca itech quiza in teotl ihuan in xihuitl.
Zan quitoznequi iyaxca, itonal in teotl.
Teoxihuitl. This name is derived from `god' and `turquoise'. It means that
[this stone] is his property, the tonally of the god… .
Yollotototl: inic mitoa yollotototl: yuh quitoa, in umpa
tlaca, ca in icuac timiqui, mimixptlatia in toyollo.
Yollotototl: For this reason it is called `bird of the heart.'
The men there say that when we die our hearts are converted [into these birds].
Culli, tecul. In tecul chicahuac, pipinqui,
tzoniztac, cuaiztac. Otlatziuh. Aoc quen ca iyollo: oteoti.
The grandfather, the people's grandfather. The people's
grandfather is hard, strong, old, white haired. Tired. His heart is no longer an ordinary heart: it became divine.
die in battle: Ye oncan ca notequiuh: beginning with this is my obligation.
… Teoatenpan, tlachinoltenpan In
tihualihualoc: teoatl, Tlachinolli molhuil, Motequiuh: ticatlitiz, Tictlacualtiz, tictlamacaz in Tonatiuh, in
… you were sent to the Edge of the divine water, To the edge of the blaze. The divine
water, the Blaze are your fate, your Obligation. You will quench the Thirst, you will nourish, give food To the
Sun, to the Earth.
[Cuauhtlactli] tetech Quizqui, teneneuhca, Temaxallo, tetech quiza, Tenenhuilia, tetoquilia, Tlatoquilia.
term `Tree Trunk'] Has come from people; it Resembles people; It derives from people; It proceeds from people; It
is a continuation.
One of the texts come from Sahaguns's work. In discussing the name given to the city of Teotihuacan,
he states:
And it was named Teotihuacan, "the city of teotl," that is "god", because they held that that the lords
who were buried there were canonized as gods after their deaths, and that they did not die, but awakened from a dream in which
they had lived. Therefore, the ancients said that when they died, men did not perish, but began to live again almost as if
awakened from a dream, and that they became spirits or gods.
They said to them , "Lord, lady, awaken, now it is beginning
to dawn, now it is daybreak; the yellow, plumed birds are beginning to sing, and now the multicolored butterflies are flying."
And when someone died they were accustomed to say that now he was teotl, which meant that he had died in order to become a
sprite or a god. And the ancients believed, on their self-deception, that when the lords died, they became gods. So they
would be feared and obeyed the rulers said that some became a Sun, others the Moon, and still other planets.
I turn to Simplicity, I turn again to Purity!
¡De nican para tech quixtizque xtopa tech mictizque! De aquí para poder sacarnos, primero tendrán que matarnos!
Since 1521. Ce-Tekpa Toltekoa. All Materials
are Created and Designed by: Mexican-Jaguar Revolutionary Front©; Mexican-Jaguar Revolutionaries © Formation of the Mexican-Jaguar Military -Lodge(c) The Immortal
and Powerful Mexican-Jaguars©
I Heard Nothing! .... I Saw Nothing!
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