Welcome to the M-J: Center For Revolutionary Nationalism and Ideological Research and Organization

Origins of First Americans Research

Cultural Extremists
On the 'Nican Tlaca' Enigma
The Myth of the Vanishing Race
The Mestizo Concept: A Product of European Imperialism
El concepto de indio en América
OBITUARIES: G. Tantaquidgeon, 106
Christopher Columbus - on trial
Charioteer of the Gods/ Alien Versus Predator
The International Jew
On The Jewish Question
Anthropophagy: TRUE CANNIBALISM!
On Human Sacrifice
Sacrificios Humanos entre los Mexicas, Realidad o Fantasia?
Sacrificios Humanos
Death Be Not Strange
Jack D. Forbes: Eurocentric Concepts Harm Native People and What Do We Mean By America and American
Contra la deformación histórica-cultural
Nuestra Cultura Indígena
On the Spanish Catholic Inquisition
Myths of the Spaniards and Puritans
On the behavior of the Europeans toward the Native Americans
The Role of Disease in 'Conquest'
Germs, Plagues, Famine, Invasion, Friars, And Native Allies!
"Religious Aspects of the Conquest of Mexico"
There is no word for 'Devil' in the Nahuatl Language
Origins of First Americans Research
Links to Further research On the Origins of the First Americans
The Finding and Founding of Tenochtitlan
Attack on the Copernican Theory
Of the basis which the Indians have for worshipping the sun
ADDENDUM II: The Florentine Codex
Rabinal Achi: Act Four--Inside the Fortress
Cultural Visibility and the Cora
Los Voladores and the Return of the Ancestors
War Songs of the Tenochka
Cantares Mexicanos
Viva Mi General Francisco Villa!
In Spirit of Agustin Lorenzo
Corridos y Canciones del Pueblo
Poems & Speeches & Prayers & the Enemy Invasion
Second Chapter, Which Telleth of the Moon
Men Who Became Gods!
The Mexica or Mexiti
In Ixiptla In Teteo!
Teotecpillatolli: Noble Sacred Speech
Nahua Invocations
Cuento: La llorona
Puerta del Diablo: El Salvador
Moctezuma el Magnifico y la Invasion de Anahuak
In Blood and Fire!!
Excerpts of the Geneva Protocols
Amendment V, and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18
Paper Wars
The Defense of Duffer's Drift
The Battle of the Bulge
Truth and Falsehood in War-Time
The Bryce Report
Sun Tzu: Arte de Guerra
Sun Tzu: On Spies
We Believe and Profess
Mushashi: Cinco Anillos
Sixth Chapter, which telleth of the men, the valiant men
Seeds of Revolt in the Americas: Synopsis
'Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders' & 'License To Kill'
Jose Ortega Y Gasset: On Plato's 'Republic' and On Forms of Government
Thomas Paine (17371809). Common Sense. 1776 [Excerpts]
Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality
Introduction to Deloria's "We Talk, You Listen"
My Tayta Jose Maria and the Indian aspect of the Peruvian Revolution
Philip Deere, Longest Walk speech
Bacbi'awak: 'Made To Die'
Born Gods!
Prologue: "The Stars We Know: Crow Indian Astronomy and Life-ways"
Black Elk Speaks: Visions of the Other World
Miantinomo, Acuera, and Tecumseh, Hatuey Speaks
Chief Seattle Speaks
Chief Red Cloud Speaks
Hopi: A Message for All People
On Judeo-Christianity
"LET'S MAKE A SLAVE" by Willie Lynch
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Frida Kahlo is Not Our Hero!
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Ancient: Mexican /Nicaraguan/ & Monte Verde [Chile] Footprints:

'Footprints' debate to run and run


Monte Verde Fallout

The Monte Verde, Chile area is Carbon dated to earlier than this date
and the findings are verified by a nine person team from the National
Geographic Society and the Dallas Museum of Natural History.  Even
the most skeptical now agree that mans arrived North America before
20,000 B.C.(*)  This site contain dwellings, a piece of mastodon
meat, a child's foot print among 700 other artifacts and suggest
occupation from about 30,000 B.C.  These people lived in long houses
built on log foundations.  The have trade goods from distant regions
as far as 150 miles away.  They used 45 different editable plants
including potatoes suggesting their harvest approaches agriculture.
(*) French Archeologists suggest the arrival of humans to America
predates 50,000 B.C.


From Archeaological Site to National Monument: Chile's Monte Verde

Ancient Middle America

Texas A&M anthropologist studies ancient human footprints

Related Reading


  On an ancient human footprint from Nicaragua (Library of Fathers of
the holy Catholic church)
by Daniel Garrison Brinton


  Geological observations on the ancient human footprints near
Managua, Nicaragua: (In Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Contributions to American anthropology and history (Research
memorandum ; RM-2170-RC)
by Howel Williams

Close by a lake near Managua, Nicaragua are perhaps the most famous
footprints in the Americas. They lie under eleven strata of solid
rock from 16-24 feet under the surface. Heated debate about the age
of the prints has gone on for almost a century. Initially they were
dated about 200,000 years old, but since the feet were perfectly
modern the age was reduced to older than 50,000 years. The only
geologist to visit the scene at the initial discovery also found
traces of domesticated dogs and horses with the prints - an
impossible situation to resolve.

Close by a lake near Managua, Nicaragua are perhaps the most famous footprints in the Americas

In 1884, Earl Flint, a geologist representing the Peabody Museum and
Harvard University, discovered in a rock quarry near Managua,
Nicaragua, on the shores of Lake Gilva, a layer containing fossilized
human tracks, 16 to 24 feet below the surface. Flint described the
tracks in these words, written in 1884:

"The footprints are from one-half to three inches in depth and none
exceeded eighteen inches. Some of the impressions are nearly closed,
the soft surface falling back into the impression, and a crevice
about two inches in width is all one sees, and my first glance at
some parallel to one less deep, gave me an idea that the owner of the
latter was using a stave to assist him in walking. In some the
substance flowed outward, leaving a ridge around it - seen in one
secured for the museum; the stride is variable, owing to the size of
the person, and the changing nature of the surface passed over. The
longest one uncovered was seventeen inches, length of foot ten
inches, and width four inches, feet arched, steps in a right line,
measured from center of heel to center of great toe over three steps.
The people making them were going both ways in a direction consonant
to that of the present lake shore east and west, more or less."

Among these, and others in nearby sites, Flint found examples of both
barefoot and well-defined sandaled-foot impressions. All were
geologically dated as being over 200,000 years of age. Now supposedly
at this remote time, man was nothing more than a naked, hairy
creature, capable of chipping a few flints and just beginning to
overcome his fear of fire. In sharp contrast, the Nicaragua finds
reveal the intelligent use of a walking stick, and the wearing of
sandals that appear to have been best designed for both comfort and
protection. We are confronted here with not just the footprint of a
half-beast, but rather the footprint of a civilized being.

Muddy footprints across the face of time

Cueva de las Manos, Río Pinturas

Archaeological Sites
The Southwest United Stated:
Bear Ruin
Cameron Creek Village
Galaz Ruin
Harrris Village
Mattocks Ruin
Mogollon Village
Starkweather Ruin
SU site
Swart's Ruin

Casa Grande
Grewe Site
Los Muertos
Roosevelt 9:6
Tonto National Monument

Burnet Cave
Cochise sites
Gypsum Cave
Lindenmeier Site
Sandia Cave
San Jon
Tabeguache Cave
Old Crow
North America:
Debert Nova Scotia
Santa Rosa Island
Bat Cave
Lake Patzcuaro
Mexico City
Tehuacan valley
El Bosque
Pikimachay (Flea cave)
Abrigo do Sol
Los Toldos Cave
Fell's Cave
South America's Major Physiographic Areas:
Coastal Plains
Sabana de Bogota
Orinoco Lowlands
Guyana Highlands
Amazonian Lowlands
Andean Chain
Brazilian Highlands
Gran Chaco
La Plata Basin
The Distribution of known Archaeological sites in Northwestern South America:
Lake Madden
Bahia Gloria
Jurubida/ Utria
Media Luna
San Silvestre
Trapo Marsh
El Abra
Sabana de Bogota
La Plata
La Elvira
San Isidro
Monte Cano
El Cayude
Coro Plain
Rio Pedregal
Pe`na Roja
Cerro Ilalo
El Inga/ San Jose
Las Vegas
Chobshi Cave
The Distribution of Known Archaeological Sites in Western South America:
Talara Tar Seeps
Pampa de los Fosiles
Quebrada Cupisnique
Quebrada Santa Maria
Cueva Guitarrero
Quishqui Puncu
Cueva Huargo
Cueva Lauricocha
Pampa de Junin
La Cumbre
Quirihuac Shelter
Cueva Pachamachay
Cueva Telarmachay
Cueva Uchumachay
Cueva Toquepala
Cueva Pichimachay
Asana Site
Las Cuevas
Quebrada Jaguay
Ring Site
Quebrada Tacahuay
Sala de Talabre
San Lorenzo
Las Conchas
Rio Bueno
Monte Verde
Cerro Casa de Piedra
Cueva Lago Sofia
Cueva del Medio
Cueva del Milodon
Cueva Cerro Sota
Cueva Fell /Bahia Buena
Cueva Palli Aike
Tres Arroyos
Punta Baja
Punta Santa Ana
The Distribution of Known Archaeological Sites in Eastern and Southern South America:
Monte Alegre
Boqueirao de Pedra Furada
Sitio de Meio
Bom Jardin
Toca de Esperanca
Lapa de Boquete
Lapa dos Bichos
Abrigo do Sol
Santana do Riacho
Lagoa Santa
Lapa Vermelha IV
Alice Boer
Rio Uruguay
Rio Grande do Sul
Rio Tercero
Salto Grande
Cueva Intihuasi
San Cayeta-No
Cabo Polonio
Santa Teresa
La Crucecita
Cerro el Sombrero
Cueva de Tixi
Cerro Largo
Cerro la China
Arroyo Pinto
La Moderna
Paseo Otero
Arroyo Seco
Rio Sauce Chico
Cueva Epullan
Rio Limay
Cueva Cuyin Manazano
Cueva Traful
Cueva Arroyo Feo
Cueva de los Manos
Rio Pintura
Cueva las Guanacas
Caleta Olivia
Los Toldos
Piedra Museo
El Ceibo
Las Buitreras
Abrigo de los Pescadores
Punta Maria
Estancia Maria Luisa
Rancho Donata
Isla de los Estados

Guides To Mound Sites In North-America
Guides to Eastern Woodlands Sites:
Ohio Historical Center, Newark Earthworks State Memorial, Flint Ridge State Memorial, Sunwatch Indian Village, Indian Mound Reserve Park, Hopewell Cultural National Historical Park (Mound City), Seip Mound, Fort Ancient State Memorial (In Warren County), Serpent Mound (In Adams County), Miamisburg Mound (in Montgomery county), Forty Hill State Memorial (In Highland County), Leo Petroglyph (In Jackson County), Marietta (see Conus in the Mount Cemetery), Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site (Near East St. Louis, Illinois, Missouri), Albany Mounds State Park (in Albany), Indian Mounds Park (in Quincy), Millstone Bluff (Mississippi), Piney Creek Ravine Nature Preserve (in Randolph County), Field Museum of Natural History (in Chicago), The Illinois State Museum (in Springfield), The Dickson Mounds Museum (in Lewistown),
Angel Mounds State Historic Site (in Indiana), Mounds State Park (in Anderson and Adena ... see 'The Great Mound,' and 'Adena' small circular earthworks), Tootlesboro State Park (in Southeastern Iowa),  Effigy Mounds National Monument (in Northeastern Iowa), Grand Mound State Historic Site (in Minnesota--Near the Canadian Border), Jeffers Petroglyphs State Historic Site, St. Paul's Indian Mounds Park (overlooking the Mississippi river), Graham Cave Historic Site (in St. Louis Missouri), the Mastodon State Historic Site (the Kimmswick site), Washington State Park (see Prehistoric Petroglyphs), Towosahgy State Historic Site (in Missouri's Bootheel ... largest mound of a Mississippian site known as: Lilbourn), Aztalan State Park (in Southeastern Wisconsin ...  Mounds can be seen  in many other places, such as on the grounds of Beloit College, and the University of Wisconsin, as well as in the Wyalusing State Park near Prairie de Chien, Perrot State Park near Trempealeau, the Lizard Mounds County Park near West Bend, the Indian Mounds and Trail Park near Fort Atkinson, the Man Mound County Park near Baraboo, and the Indian Mound Park in Sheboygan.  There are Petroglyphs at the Roche-A-Cri State Park south of Wisconsin Rapids).
The Moundville Archaeological Park near Tuscaloosa, Alabama.  There is also a mound in Florence. Impressive rockshelter can be seen in the Russel Cave Monument.  Shell Mound Park (on the Dauphine Island at the mouth of Mobile Bay).  Parkin Archaeological State Park (in Arkansas), the Toltec Mounds Archaeological State Park, Lake Jackson Mounds (in Talahassee, Florida), The Mission San Luis de Apalachee (in Florida), Indian Temple Mound Museum and Park (in Fort Walton), Fort George Island Cultural State Park (near Jacksonville), Crystal River State Archaeological Park (near Tampa), Philippe Park (in Safety Harbor), Mound Key State Archaeological Site (near Fort Myers), Randall Research Center (in Pineland), Hontoon Island State Park (near Deland), Canaveral National Seashore (near Smyrna), the Florida Museum of Natural History (in Gainesville ... at the University of Florida), the Etowah Indian Mounds State Historic Site (in Georgia ... a short drive from Atlanta), the Ocmulgee National Monument (in Macon), the Kolomoki Mounds State Historic Site (near Blakely), The Rock Eagle Mound (in the Rock Eagle 4-H Center near Eatonton), Fort Mountain State Park, Track Rock Gap (in the Chattahoochee National Forest), Wickliffe Mounds Research Center Archaeological Site (in Western Kentucky), Indian Fort Mountain (near Berea), Central Park (in Ashland), Poverty Point State Historic Site (in Northeastern Louisiana), Marksville State Historic Site (in a town of the same name), Grand Village of the Natchez Indians (in Natchez, Mississippi), Bynum Mounds, Emerald Mound, Winterville Mounds State Park (just outside Greenville), Nanih Waiya State Historical Site, Town Creek Indian Mound (near Mt. Gilead in North Carolina), the Spiro Mounds Archaeological Park (on the Eastern edge of Oklahoma), Creek Council House, Santee National Wildlife Refuge, (near Santee, South Carolina) Edisto Beach State Park, Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Park (in Tennessee), the Old Stone Fort Archaeological Site (outside Manchester), Shiloh National Military Park, Chucalissa Archaeological Museum (in Memphis), the Frank H. Chucalissa Archaeological Museum (in Memphis), the Frank H. McClung Museum (in Knoxville at the University of Tennessee). 
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic:
American Museum of Natural History in New York and the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution ... Washington D.C.), the State Museum of Pennsylvania (in Harrisburg) and the New York State Museum (in Albany, has fine displays of life in prehistoric times), a reconstruction of an Iroquois longhouse can be seen at the Ganondagan State Historic Site near Rochester, New York.  the Grave Creek Mound Historic Site in Moundsville, West Virginia.
Canadian Museum of Civilization (in Hull, Quebec), Serpent Mounds Parks (in Ontario) and Petroglyphs Provincial Park (near Peterborough), Southwold Earthworks National Historic Site (near St. Thomas), Manitou Mounds National Historic Site (near Stratton), Lawson prehistoric Village (at the London Museum of Archaeology), Ska-Nah-Doht (near London), and the Crawford Lake Conservation Area (a short drive southwest of Toronto) ... here you can see what life was like in an Iroquoian village. 

Tlaloc: Long Nose God of Chichen Itza

Descubren cráneo de mastodonte en El Salvador

Lauri García Dueñas

17 de julio de 2005

SAN SALVADOR.— La extracción de un cráneo de mastodonte joven que
vivió hace 2.7 millones de años de la ribera del río Tomayate ha
revelado que un enorme tesoro, envuelto en lodo, todavía sigue
oculto en ese lugar.

La recuperación del cráneo se realizó el martes pasado, luego de que
un aviso de tormenta alertara al grupo de dos paleontólogos y tres
técnicos salvadoreños encargados del proyecto de que no podían
esperar más tiempo, ya que una corriente de agua amenazaba con
arrebatarles el valioso regalo prehistórico.

Así, auxiliados por una balsa deportiva de plástico, el equipo
trasladó el cráneo de 160 kilogramos, 81 centímetros de largo, 60 de
alto y 50 de ancho, medio kilómetro río abajo, donde el fósil
desembarcó sano y salvo.

El ejemplar había sido descubierto dos semanas antes en la ribera
del Tomayate, a 20 kilómetros al norte de San Salvador, pero no será
hasta dentro de unos tres meses, luego de quitarle el sedimento,
cuando podrá ser exhibido en el Museo de Historia Natural de la

El cráneo del mastodonte joven (tenía unos 28 o 30 años cuando
murió) se unirá a otros dos cráneos, uno de caballo y otro de
perezoso gigante, que fueron encontrados en 2001 también en la
ribera del mismo río.

Según relató a EFE el jefe de la unidad paleontológica del Consejo
Nacional para la Cultura y el Arte (CONCULTURA), Mario Romero, un
habitante de la zona descubrió el rico yacimiento de fósiles hace
cuatro años.

"El descubrimiento fue hecho por Teófilo Reyes Chavarría, él iba
caminando por aquí, andaba buscando garrobos (reptiles parecidos a
la iguana que se comen en El Salvador) y frutas. Parece que uno de
los garrobos se escondió aquí y siguiéndolo encontró el molar del
mastodonte", explicó.

Hasta la fecha, el equipo explorador ha dado con un total de 1,300
piezas de fósiles, tres de éstas son cráneos. Los huesos pertenecen
a tortugas, cocodrilos, perezosos gigantes, camellos, venados, aves
y gliptodontes (especie de armadillo del tamaño de un automóvil).

Entornando los ojos, el paleontólogo mira las capas de tierra donde
el grupo de técnicos van desenterrando más piezas del mastodonte
joven. Con su mirada y palabras emocionadas trata de describir cómo
era hace millones de años la ribera del río Tomayate.

Romero relató que los huesos encontrados datan del pleistoceno, una
de las primeras edades glaciales en la que "los pastizales se
congelan, el clima es inhóspito y los animales tienen que emigrar
hasta climas cálidos", explicó el experto.

En ese entonces, el río Tomayate era un cauce de agua caudaloso
donde los animales que emigraban de Norte y Sudamérica se
encontraban en lo que el paleontólogo llama "el clímax del

Un evento "catastrófico" al parecer llevó a los cientos de huesos de
animales hasta la ribera del río, ya que el experto asegura que los
animales no murieron ahí.

Actualmente, a lo largo de 30 metros a la orilla del Tomayate, late
el testimonio de esa era lejana.

El director del Museo de Historia Natural de El Salvador y jefe de
la expedición, Daniel Aguilar, tampoco puede disimular su emoción
ante el descubrimiento que, a su juicio, es de gran importancia para
los anales científicos de toda Centroamérica y México.

Aguilar aseguró que podría pasar "los próximos 100 años" excavando
en el lugar y descubriendo más fósiles, pero también matizó que el
reto principal es la conservación y preservación de este patrimonio.

Mientras tanto, el río y el lodo se extienden apenas a un metro de
los excavadores y Aguilar recuerda que muchas veces han tenido
que "salir corriendo" cuando la corriente de agua crece por las
lluvias, siguiendo su curso sin descanso, desde la era glacial.


Bones puzzle archeologists
Mexican bones seem to predate Clovis finds

The catch: Homo erectus is believed to have died out 100,000 to
200,000 years ago — tens of thousands of years before men are
believed to have reached the Americas.

Archaeologists never have found a trace of Homo erectus in the


Until recently, most U.S. archaeologists believed that the first
Americans arrived about 13,500 years ago when a temporary land
corridor opened across the Bering Strait.


A sometimes-vehement minority still holds to that "Clovis first"
position. The evidence of what could have come before remains sparse, scattered and controversial. Archaeologists have proposed possible alternative routes to the Americas — across the Pacific from Asia or Australia, across the Atlantic from Europe or Africa — though most say a trip from northeast Asia is most likely, perhaps by people advancing along a frozen coast in small boats.


The evidence for earlier human habitation in the Americas, however
scanty, is tantalizing. It includes:

A possible hand scraper splotched with blood more than 34,000 years
ago at Monte Verde in Chile.

Possible stone tools at a site in Brazil that is 40,000 to 50,000
years old.

A not-yet-published report of human remains dated as much as 28,000
years old near Puebla in central Mexico.


A claim of 250,000-year-old human tools near Mexico's Valsequillo
reservoir was widely laughed at in the 1970s, though other
researchers once again are working at that area.


The Hidden History of the Human Race
by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson
Sample Chapter

Discoveries of Florentino Ameghino in Argentina
Tools Found by Carlos Ameghino at Miramar, Argentina
Attempts to Discredit Carlos Ameghino
More Bolas and Similar Objects
Relatively Advanced North American Finds
Sheguiandah: Archeology as a Vendetta
Lewisville and Timlin: The Vendetta Goes On
Hueyatlaco, Mexico
Sandia Cave, New Mexico
Neolithic Tools from the California Gold Country
Evolutionary Preconceptions


El hombre de Tepexpan, cazando.
El Hombre de Tepexpan
The Pericu skulls: Origins of first Americans

"Central, Brazil -- Archaeologists excavating a cave in Brazil's
remote northeastern backlands say that they have found evidence that
man has lived in the New World for at least 300,000 years.
"If confirmed, it would be the first proof of pre-Neanderthal man in
the Americas and a severe blow to current theories that the first
humans came here from Asia during the last Ice Age, only about
35,000 years ago.

"The scientists also report that they have discovered what may be
the world's oldest astronomical observatory.

"The signs of man were found in a cave called Toca da Esperanca
(Grotto of Hope), deep in the black limestone cliffs of the Serra
Negra mountains, 1,100 miles northeast of Rio de Janeiro.

"The site caught the interest of the scientific community after
archaeologist Maria Beltrao reported finding a stone implement and
the cut bones of an extinct species of horse in the dig last year.

"The bones were so old that they could not be dated by carbon-14,
which can measure about 40,000 years. The Weak Radiation Laboratory
in France tested them by a more sensitive uraniumthorium method, and
came back with a staggering date of 300,000 years.

"A cave called Grotto of the Cosmos at nearby Xique-Xique contained
paintings of suns, stars and comets, and this is what archaeologists
believe is the oldest astronomical observatory in the Americas.

"'There probably were at least two cultures here,' said (J.)
Labeyrie. 'One, about 10,000 years ago, made the pain tings.
Another, much older, was responsible for the artifacts.'

"In the grotto's dim light, a red comet 4.5 feet long stretches
across the low ceiling, against a painted backdrop of stars. Red
suns rise and set amid figures of lizards, a creature traditionally
associated with the sun.

"Near the entrance of the cave is a notch where every year,
precisely on the winter solstice (June 21 in the Southern
Hemisphere), the sunlight enters and illuminates a red sun painted
on the slanted ceiling."

(Muello, Peter; "Find Puts Man in America at Least 300,000 Years
Ago," Dallas Times Herald, June 16, 1987.)

Reference. In our handbook Ancient Man you will find many additional
archeological anomalies disputing current theories about the
peopling of the New World. Further information here.

Florentino Ameghino (Afirma que los indigenas de America son Autoctonos)
Florentino Ameghino: El hombre cuaternario en la Pampa
Further research:

General Discussion - Origins of First Americans
From: Toltekoa 6/4/2003 1:33 pm
To: ALL (1 of 79)

Message number 816.1

Visit: the Immortal and Powerful Mexican-Jaguars!

I turn to Simplicity, I turn again to Purity!

Welcome to the Mexican-Jaguars' Stronghold!

Lucio Cabañas

¡De nican para tech quixtizque xtopa tech mictizque!
De aquí para poder sacarnos, primero tendrán que matarnos!
Since 1521.  Ce-Tekpa Toltekoa. All Materials are Created and Designed by: Mexican-Jaguar Revolutionary Front©; Mexican-Jaguar Revolutionaries  © Formation of the Mexican-Jaguar Military -Lodge(c)  The Immortal and Powerful Mexican-Jaguars©

                        I Heard Nothing!      ....       I Saw Nothing!

Visit:  Tonantzintla Tocihuapillatocatzin

A.K. MX-JGS 4.7