Welcome to the M-J: Center For Revolutionary Nationalism and Ideological Research and Organization

Prologue: "The Stars We Know: Crow Indian Astronomy and Life-ways"
Cultural Extremists
On the 'Nican Tlaca' Enigma
The Myth of the Vanishing Race
The Mestizo Concept: A Product of European Imperialism
El concepto de indio en América
OBITUARIES: G. Tantaquidgeon, 106
Christopher Columbus - on trial
Charioteer of the Gods/ Alien Versus Predator
The International Jew
On The Jewish Question
Anthropophagy: TRUE CANNIBALISM!
On Human Sacrifice
Sacrificios Humanos entre los Mexicas, Realidad o Fantasia?
Sacrificios Humanos
Death Be Not Strange
Jack D. Forbes: Eurocentric Concepts Harm Native People and What Do We Mean By America and American
Contra la deformación histórica-cultural
Nuestra Cultura Indígena
On the Spanish Catholic Inquisition
Myths of the Spaniards and Puritans
On the behavior of the Europeans toward the Native Americans
The Role of Disease in 'Conquest'
Germs, Plagues, Famine, Invasion, Friars, And Native Allies!
"Religious Aspects of the Conquest of Mexico"
There is no word for 'Devil' in the Nahuatl Language
Origins of First Americans Research
Links to Further research On the Origins of the First Americans
The Finding and Founding of Tenochtitlan
Attack on the Copernican Theory
Of the basis which the Indians have for worshipping the sun
ADDENDUM II: The Florentine Codex
Rabinal Achi: Act Four--Inside the Fortress
Cultural Visibility and the Cora
Los Voladores and the Return of the Ancestors
War Songs of the Tenochka
Cantares Mexicanos
Viva Mi General Francisco Villa!
In Spirit of Agustin Lorenzo
Corridos y Canciones del Pueblo
Poems & Speeches & Prayers & the Enemy Invasion
Second Chapter, Which Telleth of the Moon
Men Who Became Gods!
The Mexica or Mexiti
In Ixiptla In Teteo!
Teotecpillatolli: Noble Sacred Speech
Nahua Invocations
Cuento: La llorona
Puerta del Diablo: El Salvador
Moctezuma el Magnifico y la Invasion de Anahuak
In Blood and Fire!!
Excerpts of the Geneva Protocols
Amendment V, and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18
Paper Wars
The Defense of Duffer's Drift
The Battle of the Bulge
Truth and Falsehood in War-Time
The Bryce Report
Sun Tzu: Arte de Guerra
Sun Tzu: On Spies
We Believe and Profess
Mushashi: Cinco Anillos
Sixth Chapter, which telleth of the men, the valiant men
Seeds of Revolt in the Americas: Synopsis
'Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders' & 'License To Kill'
Jose Ortega Y Gasset: On Plato's 'Republic' and On Forms of Government
Thomas Paine (17371809). Common Sense. 1776 [Excerpts]
Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality
Introduction to Deloria's "We Talk, You Listen"
My Tayta Jose Maria and the Indian aspect of the Peruvian Revolution
Philip Deere, Longest Walk speech
Bacbi'awak: 'Made To Die'
Born Gods!
Prologue: "The Stars We Know: Crow Indian Astronomy and Life-ways"
Black Elk Speaks: Visions of the Other World
Miantinomo, Acuera, and Tecumseh, Hatuey Speaks
Chief Seattle Speaks
Chief Red Cloud Speaks
Hopi: A Message for All People
On Judeo-Christianity
"LET'S MAKE A SLAVE" by Willie Lynch
On Slavery
On Indian Casinos
¿Quién Gobierna el Mundo?
Frida Kahlo is Not Our Hero!
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[to the book The Stars We Know: Crow Indian Astronomy and Life-ways,
by Timothy P. McClearly]

The crow people believe that all creation is of Iichihkbaalee, First Maker, Our Creator. And since everything exists because of this creation then nothing is excluded. The Crow Indian's understanding of creation and the vastness of the cosmos was demonstrated to me
when I was a child.

Many times I had the distinct privilege and blessing of listening to maternal great-grandmother, Baaxpassh, "One Who Is Sacred," pray at sunrise. She would say, "Creator, You who created all things. You who created things that we can see and things we will never see. You who created things that we can understand and things we will never understand." this prayer showed me the magnitude of the creation of Iichihkbaalee.

Since all things come from the Creator, the Crow Indians also believe that the power from First Maker permeates all things. This is why the Crow believe in intercessory spirits or agents of the Creator. So for the Crow it is not unusual to say and believe that everything has a soul or a spirit. This belief further states that the Creator's power is shown and given to fortunate blessed individuals through seven entities: the heavens, air, fire, earth, water, plants, and creatures.

The power that is in the heavens includes the sun, which is called the "Old Man", Isaahkaxaalia; the moon, which is called the "Old Woman", Kaalixaalia; and the stars, Ihke. The Old Man is believed to be the center of wisdom, while the Old Woman is believed to have the power over conception and livelihood.

For the Crow all the stars are sacred. Within our cosmogony and cosmology, however, there are constellations that have special religious interpretation and history. One constellation that is always prominent in our lifeways is the Big Dipper. It is termed Ihka Sahpua, "Seven Stars," and also Iipchalapaachuoo, "The Place Where The Pipe Is Pointed." This constellation is also the place where the "Seven Sacred Brothers," Akbachakupe Sahpua, the "Seven Sacred Bulls," Bishee Chiilape Sahpua, and the "Seven Sacred Rams," Iisaxpuatahche Sahpua reside.

The power of air is found in the wind, the clouds, and in thunder and lightning. The Sacredness of water is found in rivers, springs, and lakes, and it is also found in what is called Baakkaawile, "above water"--snow, sleet, hail, rain, and mist. When the Crow speak of creatures, baaisbilaaleete, "those without fire," they include all that move of their own volition--reptiles, birds, amphibians, mammals, fish, and everything else that moves on its own accord.

The teachings of these seven entities (the heavens, air, fire, earth, water, plants, and creatures) provide the basis of our beliefs. Their precepts have shaped the innate understandings of Crow nationhood. They have become the guiding force of an entire life-way, providing our sense of right and wrong and our attendant sense of values and ethics.

Once the Crow nation had strength, beauty, and a strong sense of national identification. Today, however, we see a demise in this cultural heritage. The use of the Crow language is waning, and there are groups--even amongst the Crow people--who decry the validity of native spirituality. The rich resources of the Crow are being exploited by non-Indians and we are poverty stricken--so much so that the majority of the Crows must rely on public assistance. It is hard to have an elevated sense of intellectual realization when we are hungry. This condition has led to despair and defeatism.

It is through intellectual curiosity and the acquisition of knowledge that our negative self-concepts can be replaced. Scholarly research and writings, such as seen in this book, can have a very positive impact on the Crow, both within and outside the reservation. This book on our traditions related to the heavens expresses a part of the native theology of the Crow in a careful, thoughtful, and detailed manner. From this, the native culture is much better understood both by Crow people and by non-Indians. I believe this inevitably will lead to improved self-awareness, which strengthens group and cultural interaction, ensuring the future of the Crows as a people and as a part of Iichihkbaalee's beautiful creation.

Dale D. Old Horn
Little Big Horn College

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I turn to Simplicity, I turn again to Purity!

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Lucio Cabañas

¡De nican para tech quixtizque xtopa tech mictizque!
De aquí para poder sacarnos, primero tendrán que matarnos!
Since 1521.  Ce-Tekpa Toltekoa. All Materials are Created and Designed by: Mexican-Jaguar Revolutionary Front©; Mexican-Jaguar Revolutionaries  © Formation of the Mexican-Jaguar Military -Lodge(c)  The Immortal and Powerful Mexican-Jaguars©

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