Hollywood superstar Robert De Niro, a two time academy award winner didn't know the
deck was stacked. The "Ace" was up against a Royal Flush in Universal Pictures hit movie Casino*, a true to life portrayal
of Frank "Lefty" Rosenthal.
See also:
Script. Taken From the Movie: 'Casino':
At the time, Vegas was a place where millions of suckers flew in every year on their
own nickel and left behind about a billion dollars. But at night, you couldn't see the desert that surrounds Las Vegas.
else in the country I was a bookie, a gambler, always looking over my shoulder, hassled by cops, day and night. But here,
I am Mr. Rothstein. I am not only legitimate, but running a Casino. ... And along with making us legit ... comes cash,
tons of it.
I mean, what do you think we are doing out here in the middle of the desert? It's all this money.
This is the end result of all the bright lights, and the comp trips, and all the champagne and free hotel suites, and
all the broads and all the booze. It's all been arranged just for us to get your money. That's the truth about Las Vegas.
We are the only winners. The players don't stand a chance.
... I had to take care of them. These yokels ran the State.
They passed the laws, they owned the courts. I had dozens of politicians and state officials coming to this place every
year ... Why not make them happy?
... In the Casino, the cardinal rule is to keep them playing ... and keep them
coming back. ... The longer they play, the more they lose. [At the end, they are all greedy and that is why they lose] In
the end, we get it all.
... In Vegas, everybody's gotta watch everybody else. Since the players are looking
to beat the Casino, the dealers are watching the players; the boxman are watching the dealers. The floormen are watching
the boxmen; the pit bosses are watching the floormen; the shift bosses are watching the pit bosses; the casino manager
is watching the shift bosses; I am watching the casino manager; and the eye in the sky is watching us all. Plus, we
had a dozen guys up there who knew every trick in the house.
... Four reels, Sevens, across three $15,000
Jackpots. Do you have any idea what the odds are? Three fucking Jackpots in 20 minutes! Didn't you see the Scam?
a Casino, people gotta win sometimes.'
Now you are insulting my intelligence. What, do you think I am an idiot?
know goddamn well somebody had to get into those machines and set those fucking reels.
The probability on one machine
is a million and a half to one. On three machines in a row, it is in the billions. It cannot happen! Didn't you see
you were being set up on the second win?
[The mafia bosses secretly control Las Vegas. Because they control the
Teamsters Union. And that is where you had to go if you wanted to borrow money to buy a Casino. ... So now, on top of everything else,
I gotta make sure that nobody fucks around with the golden Jew.
Ace was so fucking worried about his casino, he
forgot what we were doing out here in the first place. A million times I wanted to yell in his fucking ear: 'This is
Las Vegas.' We are supposed to be out here robbing ... you dumb fucking hebe.]
Nicky Santoro
Who are the 'True Owners of Indian Cansinos and Indian Casino Money:
Jews! Orientals! And Whites!
LYLE BERMAN:  Jew! SOLOMON KERZNER: (the next bit is from - http://www.thisislondon.com/news/lon...ticles/1345399). Solomon Kerzner was born in Johannesburg on 23 August 1935, the youngest and only son of four children to Russian parents
who had immigrated six years earlier. He grew up dirt-poor in the rough, poverty-stricken neighbourhood of Doornfontein, where,
as one of only two Jewish boys in his class, Kerzner was regularly beaten up.  LIM GOH TONG: The biggest winner to date in Indian gaming is surely Lim Goh Tong, the 85-year-old Chinese-Malaysian
businessman who bankrolled Foxwoods in northeastern Connecticut. Foxwoods, the country's largest gaming venue, is actually
a constellation of five casinos about 10 miles down the road from the Mohegan Sun.  ROY PALMER: a White man!
New Stereotype:
Somehow, since the passage of Proposition 1A, Native Americans have been cast as no
longer a humble, responsible, community-oriented people. Instead, we have been relegated to casino tribes and casino barons,
intent on skirting environmental and social obligations, corrupting the political process, and violating the public's trust.
stereotypes have the potential to create a new type of intolerance that Native Americans have never experienced - class
I submit to you that the greatest threat facing California Native Americans is not Governor Schwarzenegger;
it is not the state's attempt to extract 25% of our revenues; it is not compact negotiations; it is not even the deceptive
Gaming Revenue Act; it is the stereotype that Native Americans are casino barons, flush with cash, and beyond government
and public reproach.
Anthony Miranda, chairman, California Nations Indian Gaming Association, speech at UCLA symposium
("American Indian Issues and the California Press"), 4/20/04
http://www.bluecorncomics.com/greedy.htm(see the cartoon and further links at above site)
See also,
Roadside Distraction
Read further:
People Against a
Casino Town |
Special Report - Indian Casinos
Special Investigation by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele Time Magazine, December 2002 PART - 1 LOOK WHO'S CASHING IN AT INDIAN CASINOS The Great Land Rush
http://www.teloflex.com/pact/time-1d.html |
Also, Read:
The White Man Wins Again. While most Indians continue to live in poverty, many non-Indian investors
are extracting hundreds of millions of dollars - sometimes in violation of legal limits - from casinos they helped establish,
either by taking advantage of regulatory loopholes or cutting backroom deals. More than 90% of the contracts between
tribes and outside gaming-management companies operate with no oversight. That means investors' identities are often
secret, as are their financial arrangements and their share of the revenue. Whatever else Congress had in mind when
it passed the regulatory act, presumably the idea was not to line the pockets of a Malaysian gambling magnate, a South African
millionaire or a Minnesota leather-apparel king.
April 29, 2004 Should Indian Casinos Pay Taxes?
One of the upcoming California
ballot initiatives asks whether Indian casinos should be required to pay taxes. Thus far, this extremely profitable
$6 billion industry (and that's just here in California) has operated tax-free.
I've come to the conclusion that
native American casinos should pay taxes.
An Indian National Bank? By David Yeagley FrontPageMagazine.com | July 13, 2004
Please note: Mr. David Yeagley writes for 'Front Page Magazine'which is run and own by

Or as Yeagley himself puts it:
Where I Differ From David Horowitz
... He [David Horowitz] is Jewish. I'm 'heathen.' Yes, he comes from a communist background, and that ideology
involves a forced equality. Yet, the Jewish person I think naturally has more advanced capacities of understanding, and, in
a way, he is the same person, former liberal (communist) or present conservative. http://www.badeagle.com/journal/archives/000084.html
To Irving Moskowitz,
owner of the Hawaiian Gardens Casino, and to the owners and principals of the following gambling enterprises: Artichoke
Joe's Casino, Bay Meadows, the Bicycle Casino, California Grand Casino, the Commerce Club, Crystal Park Casino, Hollywood
Park, Hustler Casino, Los Alamitos Race Course, Lucky Chances, Normandie Casino, Oceans Eleven Casino, Santa Anita Race Track.
Note: Moskowitz is a Jewish Last Name.
To view Image of Moskowitz, please click: